Health & Safety - A Comprehensive Utility Site Access Training Program

Our meticulously crafted one-day training courses cater to professionals requiring entry to operational utility sites, encompassing supervisors and managers. The curriculum comprehensively addresses essential insights to ensure secure and proficient site access.


Utility Safety Health and Environmental Awareness (Gas)

The SHEA Gas certification program represents an exhaustive training regimen meticulously tailored to individuals necessitating entry to operational sites within the gas industry, spanning all echelons ranging from operatives to supervisors and management personnel.

Comprising a comprehensive set of nine modules, this curriculum is meticulously developed in collaboration with the gas industry. Its primary objective is to substantiate an individual's acumen, comprehension, and behavioural acuity. Encompassing a comprehensive spectrum of safety and situational awareness facets, it thoroughly addresses operations on both enduring and transient gas industry sites.

Attainment of the SHEA Gas registration and accompanying card mandates successful completion of all nine modules and the associated assessment.

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Utility Safety Health and Environmental Awareness (Water)

SHEA Water Certification for Water Industry Site Access - The SHEA Water certification initiative constitutes an all-encompassing educational regimen meticulously tailored to meet the needs of individuals necessitating ingress to operational sites within the water industry. This applies to personnel at all hierarchical tiers, encompassing operatives, supervisors, and managerial roles. The program, comprised of a comprehensive array of eight modules, is curated through close consultation with the water industry. Its central objective is to furnish tangible substantiation of an individual's cognitive proficiency, grasp of pertinent subject matter, and behavioural acumen pertaining to the domain of secure operational practices.

To qualify for SHEA Water registration and the accompanying credential, successful completion of all eight modules, coupled with the attainment of a favourable outcome in the SHEA Water assessment, stands as a prerequisite.

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Utility Safety Health and Environmental Awareness (Power)

SHEA Power Certification for Power Industry Site Access - The SHEA Power scheme is a comprehensive training program designed for individuals who require access to operational sites within the power industry, at all levels including operatives, supervisors, and management. The program, consisting of eight modules, is developed through consultation with the power industry and aims to provide evidence of an individual's knowledge, understanding, and behavioural awareness of safe work practices. To receive the SHEA Power registration and card, all eight modules must be completed, and the SHEA Power assessment must be passed.

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Utility Safety Health and Environmental Awareness (Telecommunications)

SHEA Telecommunications Certification for Telecommunications Industry Site Access - The SHEA Telecommunications certification framework embodies a meticulous educational curriculum systematically tailored to address the needs of individuals necessitating entry to operational sites within the telecommunications industry. This pertains comprehensively to personnel across hierarchical strata, ranging from operatives to supervisors and management echelons. Comprising a comprehensive series of seven modules, this program is conscientiously developed through substantial consultation with stakeholders within the telecommunications sector. Its core objective is to substantiate an individual's cognitive command, profound comprehension, and behavioural acuity in the realm of secure operational protocols specifically pertinent to the telecommunications domain.

Successful attainment of SHEA Telecommunications registration and the corresponding certification mandates the successful completion of all seven modules, concomitant with achieving a favourable /outcome in the associated assessment.

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A “Competent Person” Should Undertake a Face Fit Test

To comply with the law and for close-fitting Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) to be effective, it needs to fit the user's face and provide a proper seal. If you or your employees wear close-fitting RPE then you need a face fit test!

Ensuring Proper Fit through Qualitative Face Fit Testing
Given the diverse range of facial shapes, it becomes imperative to subject the provided Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) to rigorous testing to ascertain its efficacy in delivering suitable protection to the wearer. For close-fitting RPE, such as dust masks, the definitive method of validation is the utilization of face fit testing. We specialize in offering Qualitative (QLT) face fit testing, tailored to accommodate half-face mask RPE and disposable face masks.

Proficiency in RPE Face Fit Testing
Becoming a Certified Face Fit Tester - For an assured process of fit testing, we advocate the completion of an endorsed fit2fit training course. 1974 Rapport Ltd presents comprehensive training programs designed to educate individuals in the techniques of conducting a qualitative face fit test. These courses encompass both internal certification routes and more extensive fit2fit-approved "train the tester" options, widely accessible throughout the nation. A roster of adept, fit2fit accredited trainers and supplementary resources can be found at, where 1974 Rapport Ltd holds a prominent position.

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Worker with hard hat

Insights on RPE Face Fit Testing

Compulsion of Face Fit Testing - Legally mandated for those donning closely-fitted respiratory protective equipment (RPE), such as "dust masks," face fit testing carries significant importance. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), a considerable portion of the UK's annual tally of 12,000 work-related respiratory disease-related deaths could have been averted with the correct specification and fitting of RPE.

Obligation for Face Fit Testing - Compliance with the CoSHH Regulations 2002, PPE Regulations 1992, as well as HSG53 and INDG479, dictates that close-fitting RPE must offer adequacy and suitability. Face fit testing stands as the sole means of ensuring this crucial requirement.

Understanding Face Fit Testing - There exist two prevailing approaches to face fit testing: the Qualitative method and the Quantitative method. The Qualitative method, commonly referred to as the "taste test," is highly applicable to both reusable and disposable half-face RPE, providing protection against particulates.

Requisite for Face Fit Testing - Any respirator characterized by a snug fit, encompassing FFP3 masks, reusable half-face, or full-face respirators, warrants face fit testing if a risk assessment determines the need for close-fitting RPE.

Shaving Prerequisite for Face Fit Testing - Notably, any form of stubble, facial hair, beards, goatees, or mustaches that come into contact with the face seal region can substantially compromise the efficacy of tightly fitting RPE. It is imperative that RPE wearers be clean-shaven during the testing procedure and also during practical mask usage.

Authorised Personnel for Face Fit Testing - The responsibility of conducting a face fit test rests with a "competent person." INDG479 outlines 14 essential criteria that this individual should possess: training, extensive knowledge, and practical experience. Recognising this, the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF), endorsed by HSE, acknowledges the designation of a "fit2fit" accredited face fit tester as a testament to competence.

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Why is Health and Safety Training Important in Construction?

Health and safety training is crucial in construction due to the high risk of accidents and injuries in the industry. It ensures workers are aware of potential hazards and know how to handle them safely.

What Types of Health and Safety Training are Required in Construction?

Training often includes general safety practices, equipment handling, first aid, hazard recognition, and emergency response. Specific training may be required for high-risk activities like working at heights or handling hazardous materials.

Is Health and Safety Training Legally Required?

In many jurisdictions, there are legal requirements for health and safety training in the construction industry. These regulations are designed to protect workers and reduce the risk of accidents.

How Often Should Health and Safety Training be Updated?

Regular updates are necessary, typically annually, or when new regulations, equipment, or hazards are introduced.

Who is Responsible for Providing Health and Safety Training?

Employers in the construction industry are usually responsible for providing adequate training to their employees. In some cases, third-party organisations may be utilised for specialised training.

What Happens If a Worker Does Not Receive Proper Training?

Lack of proper training can lead to increased accidents and legal consequences for employers. Workers may also be at a higher risk of injury or fatality.

Can Health and Safety Training be Conducted Online?

Some aspects of health and safety training can be conducted online, but practical, hands-on training is often necessary, especially for equipment handling and emergency procedures.

How is Health and Safety Training Tailored for Different Roles?

Training is often role-specific, addressing the unique risks and responsibilities of different positions within the construction industry.